I haven't posted in almost a year! A lot has happened in that almost year. So much that it would take a very long post to fill n everything. I ran, went to Europe, and made the decision to go to grad school. In this post I'll update about running. Back in March of '09 all the wealthy old people decided they no longer needed a second, or third home in the mountains therefore giving me NOTHING to do at work. You know what that means, lay off! I looked around for jobs but lets face it, Architecture is at a stand still. So what is a girl to do? Run! I decided to train for a marathon and run all summer. Now I wish I was one of those people who says "I run because it makes me at peace with myself" not me. I did it mostly for selfish reasons. I got a little chubby at my desk job over the three years sense college and I wanted to loose it all. Don't get me wrong, I like running and there are some times when I do get all into my thoughts and work some stuff out but I AM LAZY. Getting me off the couch to actually do the running takes almost more effort than it is worth. Also, the first mile or so into the run I have to talk myself out of stopping and I have finally faced that I am not fast and will never be fast. There I said it, moving on... I ran A LOT over the summer and had a few people to run with. Here are a few pictures of the summer races.